On Monday, November 14th, a major milestone was achieved for the SLHNA project to disrupt and deter crime in our neighborhood. We started the four week test/trial with a security officer reviewing and responding to the automatic alerts sent from the 100+ cameras purchased by neighborhood residents over the last eight months.
The private-duty police officers are provided by Campbell Security and will be driving a vehicle with a light bar and “security” markings. The officers have been encouraged to say hello to the folks out and about in our neighborhood after 10pm so wave or say hi if you see them. Security officers are in uniform, have their police radio, and carry their department issued weapons for protection. Although they are able to make arrests while working private-duty, their primary goal for the neighborhood is to safely disrupt and deter criminal activity.
The test is scheduled to run through Sunday, December 11th. Results of the four week test will be shared for public review and discussion.
The history of the project is available at https://stlhills.com/safety/AwareNetProjectStatusAndHistory.pdf. Please contact the Chairperson of the SLHNA Safety Committee, Tom Scheifler, if you have any questions or concerns (safety_committee@stlhills.com).